
  • Tatiana Butyrskaya


a state, a form, topology, pathology, norm, consistency of goals


Basing upon natural theory of a state as a form, the notion “topology of a state is determined in the article through the system of the characters of a state, which includes two levels, the first of them consists of four basic substantial notions: development place, activity, dynamics, axiology, the second level is occupied by binary pairs of characters, which are typical for each of four substantial notions, values of each character can change till opposite to each other; the notion “pathology of a state” is determined in frames of topologic approach, it is described by the negative half of each binary pair of characters, which are typical for each of four substantial notions; firstly the notion “norm of a state” is determined as the direct opposite to the notion “pathology of a state”, in frames of topologic approach to description of a state as a form, at the same time, the notion “norm” is described by the same four substantial notions, while from each binary pair of characters, which are typical for each of four notions, the positive half must be chosen; the problem of achieving consistency of goals and interests of an individual and a state is considered separately, because it is rather significant for a state building process, in this case, it is marked, that the most acceptable way of its decision implies implementing into practice the concept of “citizen’s self — determination”.


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How to Cite

Бутирська, Т. (2021). FORMING THE SYSTEM OF ELEMENTS FOR TOPOLOGIC DESCRIPTION OF A STATE FORM. Public Management, (1 (1), 23-34. Retrieved from


