
  • Yuliia OHAR



textbook of Ukrainian; a person-centered approach; textbook functions; the content of the textbook; principles of textbook construction


The article deals with the problem of implementation of personally oriented approach in Ukrainian language textbooks for students of 10-11 grades. The basic principles of the textbook construction (personal-motivational, differentiation and individualization, creativity, developmental training, cross-curricular relations, communicativeness) and change of accents concerning its basic functions are outlined. At present, the introduction of competency education into the educational process is relevant, so the cross-cutting feature of the modern Ukrainian language textbook is the focus on the formation of subject and key competences for students. Particular attention is paid to the problem of introducing a person-centered approach to the educational process, in which the material in the textbook for high school should not only increase the volume, systematize and summarize the studied, but also take into account the personal experience of the student, provide the opportunity for selfeducation, self-development knowledge, stimulate the choice and use of the most important learning tools for the student. The educational process should provide reflection, evaluation of learning as a subjective activity. Effective, in our opinion, when implementing a person-centered approach is the use of individual training programs that will provide the formation of research (search) thinking, organize small groups based on dialogue, games, trainings, creating the conditions for creativity in both independent and collective activity. Analysis of peculiarities of content, structure, model of teaching of Ukrainian language of students of 10-11 grades in the author’s textbooks (standard level: O. Avramenko; O. Hlazova; N. Holub, O. Horoshkina, V. Novosolova; O. Zabolotnyi, V. Zabolotnyi; S. Shevchuk; I. Yushchuk; profile level: S. Karaman, O. Horoshkina, O. Karaman, L. Popova; A. Voron, V. Solopenko) was carried out on the basis of the advantages and methodological value of the subjectsubject. a sound educational paradigm and the implementation of a person-centered approach.


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