online learning, motivation, social-communicative motives, interactivity, individual approach, flexibility of the educational process, feedback, structure and design of educational materials, visibility and visualization, eye contact.Abstract
As practice and scientific researches show, maintaining and developing motivation in the online format during education in the conditions of a pandemic and martial law in Ukraine is a rather difficult task. In the conditions of distance learning and the psychological crisis associated with it, the teacher must take into account the needs of the student and find special approaches to the organization of the educational process. In these situations, it is necessary to find special methods of stimulating and motivating students to study, to the educational process – to join online meetings on time, to work in conditions where there is no live contact with the teacher, to use time management and all its components for student self-organization, choosing an individual approach to each student, stimulating learning using the most common motivational models. The task of the teacher in this situation is to stimulate the student’s positive attitude to learning, with the development of positive emotions in them, to apply new types of activities, to make learning a creative process. The purpose of this article is to determine ways to increase students’ motivation for online learning in the special conditions of modern Ukraine. The article analyzes the scientific and methodical literature, compares and summarizes the approaches to motivating students in the form of online learning, which are available in the modern methodical literature. As a result of the study, the ways of their application in the educational process of the universities of Ukraine in the conditions of the pandemic and martial law were determined. It has been established that a decisive prerequisite for ensuring successful online learning is the conscious consideration of the motivational factor and its management throughout the entire learning process. The factors of effective organization of online classes were considered and analyzed: preservation of interactivity and activity of the educational process; availability of an individual approach; organization of a flexible training system; organization of effective feedback; selection and preparation of educational material; the use of visual aids and technical tools on various educational platforms. The functions and tasks of the teacher in the conditions of online learning, his/her role in forming a sense of group unity in order to activate the activities of students during distance learning are determined. The results of the study can be considered as recommendations for teachers to increase the motivation of students who work in the online format.
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