violin art, pedagogical space, pedagogical strategies, violin, world of music, modern technologies, educational experience.Abstract
The article highlights theoretical conclusions about the formation of violin art in the pedagogical space. It is a complex and multifaceted process that includes not only technical and artistic aspects, but also pedagogical strategies that contribute to the development of students. It is important to consider the importance of music education in general education and to promote the development of students' musical abilities from early childhood. Aspects that interact with each other, contributing to the development of violin art in a broad context, are given. The joint work of teachers, performers, organizers and the public are key in the improvement of this art form. An uneven distribution of access to high-quality musical education and a lack of standardized methods for effective learning to play the violin have been established. A lack of support and recognition for young talent in the concert space, as well as a lack of interest in the violin among the younger generation, was revealed. Limited availability of concerts and other musical events, as well as insufficient activity in social networks and mass media to promote violin art. It is recommended that the use of modern technologies in the pedagogical process of violin training is an important element for enriching the educational experience and improving student results. The use of special software tools for recording and analyzing the students' game, which helps the teacher to provide constructive feedback and improve teaching methods. It is emphasized that the development and support of musical education in Ukraine, in particular students learning to play the violin, is an important factor for the preservation and development of the national musical output. The connection between the violin and the musical tradition of Ukraine is not only a historical, but also a modern phenomenon that continues to influence the musical landscape of the country.
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