readiness, physical readiness, professional activity, safety, physical training.Abstract
Abstract. The article highlights the peculiarities of the formation of the physical readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for professional activity. Based on the analysis of scientific views, it provided grounds to justify the author's definition of the readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) for professional activity, which is considered as a critically important component that ensures their the ability to effectively carry out combat and other specific tasks in accordance with the modern requirements of conducting hostilities. Such readiness implies not only a high level of physical fitness, but also the ability to withstand significant physical loads that accompany military-professional, including managerial, activities. It was determined that the formation of the physical readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (FSU) for military and professional activities is based on a comprehensive approach that includes various components, namely: value-motivational, cognitive, operational-activity, personal-psychological and professional, which are key for comprehensive development of cadets' physical abilities, their preparation for effective performance of professional tasks and becoming military professionals and specialists. Conclusions were formed, which are that the readiness of future officers to perform their professional duties in military educational institutions is ensured through the integrated formation of key components of their personality. Prospects for further research in the context of the formation of the physical readiness of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for professional activities are proposed. They can focus on the study of the effectiveness of innovative training methods that integrate modern technologies and psychophysiological approaches to optimize physical training and increase overall combat capability.
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