training, methods of training students of higher education, practical training of students of higher education, specialists in the social sphere, specialty «Social work»Abstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the introduction of the training method into the educational process of practical training of future specialists in the social sphere, the advantages of using the training method in the educational process of training students of higher education. An analysis of scientific works on the research problem has been carried out in order to study the effectiveness of the training method in the process of practical training of social sphere specialists. The results of the research, which has been carried out in the form of a questionnaire, are presented. The results of the study prove that the training is an effective method of practical training of future specialists in the social sphere, as it contributes to the effective assimilation of knowledge, the development of practical skills, and an increase in the level of self-confidence as a future specialist in the social sphere. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the implementation of training as a method of practical training of social work specialists and to conduct a study to determine the effectiveness of training as a method of training future specialists in the social sphere. The main tasks are outlined as follows: determination of the specifics of training implementation as a method of practical training of social work specialists; identifying the advantages of using the training method in the practical training of future specialists in the social sphere; conducting research to identify the effectiveness of training as a method of training future specialists in the social sphere. Achieving the set goal and solving research tasks has been carried out using theoretical and empirical research methods. The conclusions confirm that the training is an effective method of practical training of students of higher education in the specialty 231 «Social work» and it is substantiated that the introduction of training into the educational process contributes to the application of theoretical knowledge in practice, the formation of the necessary competencies for effective work in the social sphere and the training of future social workers to the challenges of modern society.
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