



quantitativeness, cognitive-pragmatic regularities, author, speech and thought process


In the article the set of linguistic means of expressing quantitative parameters of the reflection of various objects of the surrounding world, which ontologically correlates with the philosophical category of quantity or quantitative certainty, and, along with qualitative characteristics and determination of the degree of a feature are studied, it is inherent in all objects of the real world, but is interpreted differently by the authors of textual expressions. The purpose of the article is to determine the cognitive and pragmatic regularities of structuring the authors’ thought and speech quantitative formations by means of the Ukrainian language. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic manifestation of real situations in the quantitative dimension and the definition of types of quantitative structures at the level of the author’s text fragment. A description of statements that allow modeling the speech and thought process of quantification through the process of quantification through the author’s intentions, evaluations, etc., has been made. The quantitative determination of objects on our material is realised in both qualitative and quantitative and subject nominations, in the most mediated numerical words, that is, from morphological and word-formation formants to large text fragments. The quantitative elements in the text fragments are used as a basis for modelling the cognitive situation of quantity reflection in the author’s reference. Thus, the methods of cognitive analysis and component analysis were used in the study. The scientific novelty lies in the identification of mental quantitative structures of the Ukrainian language that convey the author’s quantitative knowledge of the surrounding world and implement the general idea of linguistic strategies used by speakers in quantitative descriptions of the environment. The dichotomy of «exact» and «approximate» quantitative description demonstrates the author’s perception of the reference knowledge about the quantitative characteristics of the objects of study, communicative attitudes, and the significance of the object for society.


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How to Cite

КОЗЯРУК, А. (2024). QUANTITATIVE SEMANTIC TEXTUAL CONSTRUCTIONS: COGNITIVE AND PRAGMATIC INTERPRETATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (11), 26-30. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2024.1.5