gender, stereotypes, advertising, market, imageAbstract
Despite the trend towards tolerance in the world in recent years, the advertising market often remains faithful to the tools of gender discrimination, continuing to create stereotypical gender images. This tendency has a negative impact on society and hinders its development in the modern dynamic world. Gender stereotyping becomes a problem because advertising materials have the potential to evoke various emotions in consumers, and if they are gender-biased, this can deeply penetrate the subconscious of individuals. The theoretical basis of the research is presented based on the scientific works of L. Andrushko, which discuss advertising strategies for constructing normative gender discourses, the works of T. Melnyk, which outline the main gender roles and stereotypes underlying gender theory. Also, within the research, the works of such scholars as M. Kimmel, I. Broverman, U. Lipmann, E. Oukley, S. Pavlychko, T. Marchenyuk, and others were studied. The aim of the article is to identify the behavioral forms of consumer perception of advertising products using gender stereotyping. The scientific novelty of the obtained results: mechanisms of the influence of advertising with gender stereotyping on consumer opinion are outlined; the advertising market with violations of norms regarding gender representation has been studied. In conclusion, it should be noted that the research has shown that the Western advertising market uses gender narratives much less frequently than before, however, stereotyping still remains a common phenomenon among less popular brands. One of the most widespread problems that remains relevant in advertising production is sexual objectification, when the human body is used as an object or decoration element. Vulgar and inappropriate portrayal of individuals under the guise of «human body aesthetics» can lead to serious consequences, including violence. Gender models that are systematically transmitted have a property of deeply rooting in the consciousness and changing the thinking of consumers. Some advertisers, especially those working with lesser-known brands, still believe that using stereotypes is the best way to convey their message to consumers.
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