



game technologies, gamification, news games, interactive news, journalistic simulations, virtual tours, audience engagement, ethical challenges, digital transformation


The article is dedicated to the study and systematization of the typological varieties of game technologies that are actively used in modern journalism, particularly innovative approaches such as gamification, news games, and interactive news. The relevance of the topic is driven by global changes in the media sector due to digital transformation, which requires journalists to adopt new forms of content delivery to maintain audience engagement. In the context of information overload, traditional models of news presentation become less effective, making the integration of game elements and technologies an important tool for retaining the attention of information consumers. The aim of the article is to systematize and analyze the typological varieties of game technologies in order to develop an original classification of these technologies in media. The study covers various types of game technologies, including news games, interactive simulations, points and rewards systems, interactive visualizations, and crowdsourcing platforms that allow the audience to actively participate in creating news content. A comprehensive approach is applied in the research, including an analysis of scientific literature, a comparative analysis of game technologies, and their impact on audience engagement. By employing a systematic approach, the author examined contemporary trends and developed a classification of game technologies based on functional characteristics, levels of interactivity, and their intended purpose. The main results of the study include the development of a typology of game elements, which have varying degrees of influence on the cognitive perception of information by the audience, as well as the consideration of ethical aspects related to the use of game technologies in journalism. The study found that game mechanics can deepen audience engagement but also pose risks of manipulation or oversimplification of complex socio-political issues. The conclusions emphasize the importance of developing ethical standards for the use of game elements in media, which will ensure the accuracy of information and prevent distortions in news delivery. Future research prospects focus on examining the impact of interactive technologies on the behavioral models of media content consumers, as well as on developing new forms of interaction between journalists and the audience, which can enhance trust in the media.


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How to Cite

ГОНДЮЛ, О. (2024). TYPOLOGY OF GAME TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN JOURNALISM: FROM GAMIFICATION TO NEWS GAMES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (13), 5-16. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2024.3.1