linguistic mentality, meta-lexicography, identification through appeal to the usual mentality, idiolexicographyAbstract
Linguistic studies examine some examples of the influence of lexically-oriented nominations that make up these categories. Leontovych O.O. draws attention to the phrase «Might he be Irish». According to the author, this phrase does not contain words alien to the Ukrainian consciousness, but it needs to be interpreted in the sense that the English have a prejudice (stereotype) that the Irish tend to express their thoughts unclearly. Thus, the lexeme Irish acquires an additional meaning here – not «designation of national property», but «the name of people who express themselves unclearly». Of course, an English language learner should be aware of the peculiarities of such a modification of meaning. There is no doubt that only a small part of the vocabulary reflecting these categories is systematically and adequately reflected in explanatory or country-specific dictionaries. At the same time, there is an opinion that lexicography as a practical activity cannot be limited to stating that a particular linguistic problem is controversial, but, on the contrary, is forced to solve these controversial problems without waiting for linguistics to give an answer, even if there is no generally accepted method of solving these issues. Thus, the absence of objective criteria for selecting ethno-mentally oriented vocabulary for a dictionary confirms that this issue is controversial. In our opinion, a step towards solving the problem is to select new ethno-mental-specific vocabulary groups on the principle of minimization and differentiate their development in the corpus of an educational explanatory dictionary of linguistic terms. Let us consider the possible grounds for the allocation of such vocabulary groups. At present, the view of lexicology as a component of inter-lexicological communication as a unity of three aspects is rooted in research: 1) modernity, not only in terms of lexical and grammatical features, but also those that are usually discussed, ways of presenting information, and style of communication, since people who identify themselves with a social group or nation acquire common methods of viewing the world through their cooperation with members of the same group, i.e., the discourse accent of lexicology of the linguistic mentality; 2) historical perspective, since modern ways of communicating lexicology are always the result of development and approval over a long period of time, so they are often taken for natural behavior; 3) imagination of the nation, because lexicology is «characterized not only by facts and artifacts, but also by shared dreams, fulfilled and unfulfilled desires, as London is inseparable in the lexicological imagination of its inhabitants from Shakespeare and Dickens, and the Lincoln Washington Memorial has an additional meaning in connection with Martin Luther King».
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