grammar, conjunction, parataxis, compound sentenceAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of compound sentences in modern English. The object of research is a compound sentence. The subject of the article is the theoretical coverage of a compound sentence in modern English. The urgency of the studied problem is due to the heterogeneity of interpretation of the concept of coherence and coherent sentence in modern English. The aim of the research is to outline the range of problems of conjunctive communication and complex sentence. Scientific novelty. Most clearly, all the contradictions of linguists regarding coherence appear through the prism of definitions of a compound sentence. Although most linguists recognize the legitimacy of the existence of a compound sentence, there is no unanimity in understanding the essence of this phenomenon among them. The conclusion states that the analyzed definitions of a compound sentence not only contradict each other, but also contain internal contradictions, in particular, violations of such a law of formal logic as the law of identity and the law of consistency.
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