conceptual domain, precedent personality, legends about King Arthur, nominationAbstract
The conceptual domain “Arthur’s woman” is most widely represented in the texts of legends about King Arthur XV–XXI centuries. His conceptual substratum is one of the female personalities who played a significant role in the life and work of the legendary King Arthur, which is profiled in the studied discourse of the XV–XXI centuries. in the software of Guinevere, Morgana and Lady of the Lake. The aim of the article is to study the verbal objectification of precedent personalities in the conceptual domain “Arthurian woman”. Scientific novelty. Precedent female personalities are certain socio-cultural types / “model personalities”, the main feature of which is the reflection of values of behavior. They are concepts of “typified personality”, an image created on the basis of socio-cultural criteria and specific characteristics of verbal and nonverbal behavior. Along with this, they appear as generalized images of the individual, whose behavior and values, significantly influencing the linguistic culture in general, are indicators of ethnic and social identity of society. Conclusions. As a result of the article, female precedents Guinevere, MorGana, Lady of the Lake, who make up the conceptual domain “Arthur’s woman” in the legends of King Arthur, are highlighted, and the linguistic features of their actualization are analyzed.
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