
  • Gennady DMITRENKO
  • Anatoliy CHAUSOV




rational public administration, rational management, social system, technologies of social management, sociological system-forming technology, etc


The paper devoted to the definition of the actual problem of the low level of civil self-sufficiency of the Ukrainian society, which did not allow to form rational activity of the state authorities. The main purpose of the article is to consider the ways how to improve the rationality of social management system in Ukraine. The quintessence of rational management both at the level of public administration and at the level of any organization is revealed. The fundamental mistakes of public administration in Ukraine for the last 30 years are determined and their consequences are presented. Rational public administration is realized as a balance of management within certain limits between the existence of this state and the necessity to satisfy the essentials of its citizens via improving the quality of their lives in all spheres of life. The most common technologies of social management are distinguished: linear; branched; by deviations; according to the situation; for results; by goals; search engine management. Stages of the rationality improvement of the social management system are presented. It is proved that rational management is based on a sequence of stages of strategic management, which includes a strong definition of the final socially useful results. The classic principles of rational management of the organization as a social system in which all working components interact with each other as a team in order to obtain socially useful results of economic, social and environmental character. It is determined that a key socially useful result of the government activity should be indicators of the citizens’ life quality. The method of citizens’ life quality determining on certain territories with the help of sociological system-forming technology "Digital Viche" is partially observed. This technology is able to provide feedback (from community to government) in the public administration system. This will enable the management elite to balance the interests of citizens and government within certain limits of rational public administration. Through the introduction of this sociological technology, it will be possible to identify problems priority of certain territorial communities and solve them primarily to reduce the level of social tension in society.


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How to Cite

ДМИТРЕНКО, Г., & ЧАУСОВ, А. (2022). WAYS OF DEEPENING THE RATIONALITY OF THE PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AS A COMPONENT OF SOCIAL GOVERNANCE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1 (60), 27-33. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2021-1(60)-5