
  • Mykola LEVCHENKO



military tourism, military tours, military-historical monuments, educational tours, possession of military equipment, military tourist potential


Tourism is a complex socio-cultural and historical one a phenomenon that has gradually turned from a form of leisure and a way of spending free time into a multifaceted factor of world importance of the new century and millennium: economic, socio-cultural, communicative, international. Today, tourism is a necessary way to develop intellectual and cognitive efforts aimed at gaining new social experience. At the same time it acts as a sphere of services psychological unloading and reproduction of new ones sensory and emotional aspects of the inner world of man. Travel, the purpose of which is health and cognitive principle, do not satisfy some modern tourists. A person immersed in the cycle of everyday life and monotony all year round, pursues the goal of getting as much as possible impressions and thrills during the holidays, reveal their aspirations, passions, some of them may shock a society that knows this person only as a bearer of social virtues. The latter explains the active development of dangerous, non-traditional, extreme species tourism, one of which is military tourism. An atmosphere of calm and satiety sometimes encourages people to look for new forms and ways to realize the propensity for risk and adventure. Besides widespread sense of triumph and prosperity of economically developed countries on the world stage affects the self-esteem of citizens – they feel more confident in their strengths and abilities and less afraid of anyone kind of dangers. On the other hand, the problems of socio-economic and socio-political situation of Ukrainian society at the present stage has caused an urgent need to determine the position of state representatives and of every citizen regarding the patriotic attitude to of his homeland. Among a number of issues in this regard The issue of educating the young generation seems to be the most urgent, as it will form the cultural and political elite in the near future. state, and therefore, will be the driving force from which the future of the whole nation will depend. That is why national-patriotic education is relevant today. An important role in this process should be given to the resources of military tourism, because it helps to realize the feeling of patriotism towards one’s own Motherland – deep, personal, interested attitude to it, to form its value, to open favorable conditions for the creation and development of many qualities necessary for future defenders of the Fatherland.


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How to Cite

ЛЕВЧЕНКО, М., & ЛЕВЧЕНКО, М. Р. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF MILITARY TOURISM AS A COMPONENT OF STATE HUMANITARIAN POLICY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1 (60), 34-37.