
  • Margaryta KONDRATOVA



sustainable development, environmental agenda, green parties, green government coalitions, political institutions, sustainable democracy.


Environmental protection is considered as one of the universal values that unites political forces of different spectrum. Specific measures and initiatives for sustainable development are studied, which are the subject of political discussions and the application of various ideological and pragmatic approaches. The process of obtaining a share of governmental powers by green political forces and efforts to implement sustainable development projects during the tenure of "green" governments are revealed. The peculiarities of establishing new environmental norms and taking into account the requirements and needs of sustainable development during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine are established. Aspects of technological support, resource bases, as well as intermediate and final goals of sustainable development projects, which are the subject of political discussions, are discussed. The purpose of the article is to establish the peculiarities of the public presentation of the attitude of EU political parties to sustainable development projects. The article uses general logic (induction, deduction) and special political science methods (institutional and comparative). Communication between political forces and political institutions, including institutions of public administration and local self-government, is studied. Discussions regarding the expediency and scope of implementation of sustainable development projects are opened. Mechanisms of implementation of sustainable development projects related to the opinion of beneficiaries and stakeholders are clarified. The mechanisms for directing European funds to important sustainable development goals, which require accountability and specification, have been revealed. The strategic nature of sustainable development projects, which requires the subordination of economic and social interests and a high professional level, has been established. The conditions of agreed and coordinated sustainable development, in particular in the field of economy, are studied, based on the formation of the next stage of reforms of the pro-environmental political environment. Directions for the implementation of sustainable development projects, which have no alternative in the form of certain environmental initiatives, are clarified. The level of political discussion, which is conducted in the directions of supporting specific employed population groups and providing them with an impetus for development, is studied.


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How to Cite

КОНДРАТОВА, М. (2022). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AS A SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION BY CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN AND UKRAINIAN POLITICAL FORCES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 82-87.