
  • Andrii MOSHNIN



corruption, current state, abuse of power, civil servant, anti-corruption.


The article examines the issue of the current state of the spread of corruption in Ukraine. The author determined that corruption in modern Ukraine is one of the serious problems of our country. The author emphasized that the general reasons for the growth of corruption and organized crime in Ukraine are usually a quick, ill-conceived transition to market relations against the background of globalization processes in the world; radical change of the state system; low management efficiency; deficiencies in legislation and the delay in the development of socio-economic relations; the state of public morality, the establishment of new moral values, in which the cult of personal success and enrichment occupies the central place, and money is the measure and equivalent of life well-being; legal illiteracy of the majority of the country’s population; inefficient functioning of most state institutions; lack of developed social institutions; low financial support from civil servants and the absence of a guaranteed social package. The goal of the work. The purpose of writing the article is to study the current state of the spread of corruption in Ukraine and to develop defining directions for overcoming it. Methodology. In the proposed article, it is determined that in Ukraine there is an obvious need for the functioning of a body capable of implementing effective anti-corruption measures. It was noted that the experience of China, where the main tool for fighting corruption is a party organ – the committee of the Central Committee of the CPC, can be useful for our country in this situation. The commission works on signals from various sources and thoroughly checks the presence of corruption. In case of confirmation, the materials are transferred to law enforcement agencies, which will already establish the guilt of the persons and impose punishment. Scientific novelty. The main areas of anti-corruption are highlighted, which include: creation of a “list of positions” of increased danger in relation to corruption, those most involved in corruption, for which it is proposed to switch to fixed-term contracts with a “compensation package”, which is a partial payment from the budget funds that the official will lose, refusing a bribe; increasing the quality of the provision of management services and working out the criteria for its evaluation and the creation of transparent mechanisms for making management decisions, as much as possible to translate them into the form of a technical process, remotely, limiting direct contacts with officials; creation of structural divisions for internal investigations of corruption in state bodies; creating an effective mechanism to protect people who report corruption. Conclusions. It has been studied that corruption in Ukraine, having a long history, is multifaceted, it affects not only state officials, but also the private sector, as well as many other layers of society. Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation is still in its infancy, and its development is increasingly based on the positive experience of foreign countries. It was emphasized that the prevention of corruption should have absolute priority over other measures to combat this phenomenon. It is noted that the limitation of corruption cannot be determined by a one-time campaign. It is emphasized that only if our state and civil society make great efforts in the future, our country will be able to partially overcome this problem.


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How to Cite

МОШНІН, А. (2022). CURRENT PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION SECURITY IN UKRAINE AND PROSPECTIVE DIRECTIONS FOR THEIR SOLUTION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 106-110.