
  • Volodymyr ORLENKO



state control, state authorities, management, improvement.


The article examines the system of state control and provides directions for its improvement. The author emphasized that the main elements of the state management system are the subjects of management (state authorities and other state-authorized bodies). The author determined that the state control bodies occupy an important place in the state management system, and also contribute to increasing the efficiency of the system of state management mechanisms. The author found that in order to improve control activities, it is necessary to: introduce new technologies into the management process, create a unified information space of state control; determine at the state level the powers of various control bodies, the reasonable “specialization” of which will allow to obtain a comprehensive result from joint work; control bodies need to strengthen information interaction with law enforcement agencies and the public. The goal of the work. The purpose of writing the article is to research the system of state control and develop priority directions for its improvement. Methodology. The proposed article defines that state control is a form or function of state power that ensures verification of the implementation of laws and other regulatory acts by state bodies in order to prevent deviations from the norms and rules established by law. Scientific novelty. It has been proven that in order to improve state control and increase the level of effectiveness of its implementation, it is necessary to ensure: the development of unified conceptual principles of the organization of state control, standardization of the forms and methods of activity of control bodies; adoption of standards for the implementation of state control to create an effective mechanism for combating offenses and abuses in the sphere of the use of budget funds and state property; optimization of the organizational structure, clarification and delimitation of the functions of state control bodies; improvement of material and technical, scientific and informational and analytical support for the functioning of the state control system; formation of a single automated information and analytical database in the field of state control. Conclusions. It was noted that state control, the main purpose of which is to ensure the most favorable conditions for guaranteeing the constitutional order, realizing the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, maintaining state stability, etc., plays an important role in the formation and formation of the legal state and civil society. It was emphasized that the issue of improving the system of state control should be a priority for our state today. After all, it is state control, as a method of managing the modern Ukrainian state, that serves as an effective tool in the implementation of the current policy.


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How to Cite

ОРЛЕНКО, В. (2022). IMPROVEMENT OF THE STATE CONTROL SYSTEM IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 119-123.