
  • Liudmyla KRYVA



democracy, political transformations, Ukraine, Poland, ideology, models


The study analyzed the features of the processes of political transit in post-communist countries that took place in the early 1990s and identified the models of democratic changes implemented in Poland and Ukraine. Democratic transformations involved the establishment of transitional regimes, which demonstrated the possibility of gradual development of post-socialist countries where there is an antagonistic struggle, the formation of liberal rules and the strengthening of democratic institutions. The path taken by Poland and Ukraine in building a democratic society is characterized by its own peculiarities, specific features, and external and internal conditions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the models of democratic transformations that were implemented in Poland and Ukraine in the early 1990s. The main prerequisites that determined the need for democratic transformations in Poland and Ukraine were established; key models of democratic transformations of post-socialist countries are identified; the peculiarities of the processes of democratic transit in Poland and Ukraine in the early 1990s were revealed; differences are established regarding democratic transit in Poland and Ukraine. It is emphasized that the result of different levels of states' capacity to act and the existing limitations led to the different course of democratic transformations and the implementation of different models in the studied countries. Among the existing approaches of scientists to the democratic transition, it is possible to single out models that are characteristic of the historical path of Poland ("reshuffles", "forced transition", the strategy of elites of a compromising nature). The "delayed transition" option and the forced transition model were implemented in Ukraine. The analysis of democratic transit in Poland and Ukraine indicates a significantly higher level of society's capacity for democratic transformations in Poland. In Ukraine, the lack of a radical change of elites significantly slowed down the historical processes of democratic transformations.


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How to Cite

КРИВА, Л. (2023). MODELS OF DEMOCRATIC TRANSFORMATIONS IN POLAND AND UKRAINE IN THE EARLY 1990S. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(64), 55-61.