
  • Lesia RUDA



civilization, global civilization, local civilization, informational society


The article examines the peculiarities of the civilizational development of the world in the 20th and early 21st centuries, when integration, economic, political, and cultural processes unite not only individual countries, regions, but also all of humanity and become a factor in world history on a regional scale, which leads to the formation and development of relations between peoples, dialogue between cultures, as well as before the emergence of global danger. At the same time, at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. together with globalization, the final phase of the process of forming a planetary civilization begins. The analysis of the existing concepts of the civilizational development of the world and the dynamics of changes in the boundaries between civilizations comes to the conclusion that civilizations can mix, overlap each other and include different sub-civilizations or local civilizations. The turn of the 20th-21st centuries shows the intensification of the process of civilizational integration based on the political-economic and cultural-religious ties of each region. The spread of the process of globalization, the formation of supranational financial and economic organizations and the formation of national political entities creates the basis of a single cultural-religious-intellectual space that should be considered through the prism of the global civilizational system. The author concluded that the understanding of globalization processes through the prism of local civilization formations forms a model of the global-local development of the civilizational system in the 21st century, which has a global character, including a number of local-regional civilizations. However, the division into local-regional civilizations is quite conditional, because each such civilization consists of a number of micro-civilizations. This type of civilizational formations belongs to the north-western and south-eastern directions of the development of world civilizations. According to its structure, global-local civilization is possible in three variants: a single world mechanism with common political and economic spheres and with separate social and cultural spheres; several large state-organizational entities of a local-regional nature, which develop in cooperation with other entities of this type; a world community based on the political and economic cooperation of individual regional entities that preserve the social and cultural characteristics of these regions.


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How to Cite

РУДА, Л. (2023). THE GLOBAL WORLD IN THE PRISM OF LOCAL CIVILIZATION FORMATIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(64), 97-101.