



state policy, social and humanitarian sphere, implementation, society, physical culture and health activities, formation, development.


The article defines that the formation and implementation of social and humanitarian policy regarding physical culture and health activities is a systemic state-authority regulatory, managerial and control-supervisory activity, which is implemented in the image and economic interests of the state, in the interests of maintaining proper public health and ensuring demographic safety, social culture, providing leisure time and moral-intellectual, physical and aesthetic improvement of citizens, increasing their working capacity, social activity and communication skills. It was found that the strategy of forming and implementing social and humanitarian policy regarding physical culture and health activities, which confirms the high importance of sports for the development of human potential and improving the quality of life of citizens. The main tasks of the state are to increase the motivation of citizens to systematically engage in physical culture and sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, ensure the successful performance of Ukrainian athletes at the largest international sports competitions and improve the system of training the sports reserve, as well as the development of the infrastructure of physical culture and sports. It is proved that the specificity of state administration in the field of physical culture and health activities is largely determined by the features of the subject-object field of such state administration, i.e., the features of what and by whom exactly the state manages in the form of its bodies in the field of the format of public-power relations. The formation of the state socio-humanitarian policy regarding physical culture and health activities is implemented within the limits of the authority to manage financial, human, and material resources, as well as infrastructure for the implementation of health activities in society. Reasonably, the implementation of the state socio-humanitarian policy regarding physical culture and health activities plays a very important role, since it is in the process of its implementation that not only the imperatives arising from certain functions of the state are implemented, but also the state policy in the specified area is formed, including the determination of the main priorities and guarantees of interests in this field of public-power relations are established, forms of state support for sports are regulated, and organizational bases for regulating relations in the field of mass sports are established.


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How to Cite

РИБЧИЧ, І. (2023). FORMATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MODERN STATE SOCIAL AND HUMANITARIAN POLICY REGARDING PHYSICAL AND HEALTH ACTIVITIES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(65), 55-59.