
  • Agazade YUSIF



public administration, civil society, global democratization, democratization of social relations, principles of public administration


The article analyzes the modern theories of transformation of states and society in the context of modernization of public administration. The author is substantiated that the paradigm of development of countries and societies caused the need to look at how the global problems of mankind influenced the organization of life as a whole and public administration separately, since it concerns the life of any person on Earth. When modernizing and reforming the system of public administration, the following principles should be taken into account: the principle of objectivity; the principle of versatility; the principle of advance development in public administration; the principle of democracy; the principle of separation of power and separation of power; the principle of legality; The principle of optimization. The author noted that in the process of considering the problems of interaction between state policy and public administration it is important to take into account the two circumstances of the most fundamental nature: a) global democratization of social life and social relations; b) the formation of fundamentally different, new foundations of civil government (here, at the state level, local self -government is dominated); c) development and strengthening of influence on the state of civil society. Given changes in state policy, as well as a powerful democratization of social relations, the existing legal framework, it can be noted that Ukraine has the basis for further improvement of public administration in Ukraine. The system of such development is the main basis for further relations between the country and society, the authorities and the citizens. We include the following: the presence and development, expansion of dialogue between state authorities and civil society organizations into truly humanistic, democratic principles; expanding and strengthening control over the activities of the state, power of civil society, improving the practice of reporting power for the public for their activities; All types of incentives for the development and support of the state, its initiative principles of citizens, political parties and state organizations and active support of civil activity.


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How to Cite

ЮСІФ, А. (2023). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF INTERACTION BETWEEN THE STATE AND THE CIVIL SOCIETY IN TERMS OF IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(68), 145-152.