


public management and administration, medical care, territorial communities, emergency situations, management functions, state management, local self-government.


The article is devoted to the current issues of medical provision of the population of territorial communities with high-quality and timely medical services in conditions of uncertainty and in conditions of emergency. Within the framework of the study, the priority needs of territorial communities in the field of health care were determined and the key challenges of the medical field in complex Ukrainian realities were outlined. Several examples of foreign experience in studying the needs of territorial communities in medical care in emergency situations (Israel, Japan) are considered. A set of priority tasks of the national health care system regarding the medical provision of the population of local communities in the conditions of a full-scale war and pandemic has been singled out. Changing requests of local communities in crisis and emergency situations requires a new model of management technologies, taking into account the peculiarities of the regional context, the state of medical institutions, the movement of the population and medical personnel. The foundation of a new paradigm for healthcare provision in Ukraine should involve incentivizing innovative models of medical service, optimizing the financial support of institutions to improve access to patient-oriented service delivery systems. In this context, the policy of the National Health Service should focus on defining priorities in healthcare provision, expanding the scope of primary healthcare services considering increased needs for treatment and rehabilitation. Based on the research results, a list of measures has been formulated to enhance the efficiency of medical support for local communities, taking into account international practices and the experience of leading countries. Initial steps have been developed to propose tools for ensuring readiness for emergencies and meeting the needs of the population in local communities for quality and timely medical assistance.


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How to Cite

ГАВВА, О. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL PROVISION OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(71), 27-32.