health, occupational hygiene, dentist, quality of life.Abstract
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. Today, dental care is one of the most popular types of medical care for the population. Dentists are classified as specialists with a high level of morbidity, as their work requires physical strength and endurance under the influence of various harmful professional factors. The work of dentists is associated with the presence of significant professional risks caused by the influence of a number of industrial factors unfavorable to health, including the severity and intensity of work, visual and emotional stress, forced working posture, microclimate, industrial lighting, noise, laser vibration, ultraviolet, X-ray radiation, danger of infection transmission. Analysis of recent research and publications. The development and organization of preventive measures to create an optimal production environment, which determines the vital activity and working capacity of a dentist, is an actual direction of scientific research. The purpose of the study is the hygienic assessment of the work of dentists under the influence of various harmful factors (factors). Research materials and methods. As part of the study, an assessment of the severity and intensity of work at the workplace of 78 dentists who work in state clinics and private dental offices in the cities of Zakarpattia region was carried out. In the work, time-lapse observations of the severity and intensity of work at workplaces were used. The evaluation of indicators of severity and intensity of the work of dentists was carried out in accordance with the sanitary norms and rules "Hygienic classification of work according to the indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors of the production environment, severity and intensity of the labor process" (order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 08.04.2014, № 248 (GKP), which are based on the principle of differentiating assessments of working conditions depending on the actually determined levels of influence of the factors of the industrial environment and labor process and taking into account their possible harmful effect on the health of medical workers. For a sociological survey of dentists, a questionnaire was developed and the method was applied statistical processing of data was performed on a personal computer using licensed software for the Windows operating system and the standard software package Statsoft Inc. STATISTICA 6.0 2300 East 14th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 USA. Research results and their discussion. It was established that the severity of the work process of dentists when performing medical manipulations is due to the working posture, which is forced and fixed. The main and leading factor in the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is the duration of the intervals during which the doctor is forced to adopt an uncomfortable fixed position. The organization of the labor process according to its severity among dentists, surgeons and therapists is harmful of the first degree – 3.1; and orthopedists – harmful of the second degree, that is. 3.2. The tension of the labor process among dentists was harmful of the first degree, i.e. 3.1. The results of the analysis of production indicators: local vibration, microclimate, lighting showed an acceptable level of harmfulness, class 2. According to the questionnaire, 83% of dentists noted a feeling of tension during the working day, by the end of the working day 70% of dentists noted a feeling of fatigue and 87% – visual fatigue. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The results obtained during the research show that the work of medical workers in the stomatological profile is accompanied by a wide range of negative production factors that affect their health and require further study for the development of effective preventive measures.
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