medical and psychological assistance, refugees, forced displacement, religious aspects, cultural aspectsAbstract
Relevance. Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, millions of people are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other regions of the country and beyond, making the issue of providing adequate medical and psychological assistance to refugees very pertinent. However, successful and effective assistance requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account not only the physical and psychological aspects but also the cultural and religious peculiarities of those receiving it. Integrating religious and cultural aspects into the program of comprehensive medical and psychological assistance for refugees is an important step in ensuring accessibility and effectiveness of this assistance. Considering religious beliefs and cultural customs can promote better understanding between the patient and the specialist, fostering greater openness and trust. When interacting with refugees, it is important to consider their religious beliefs, which can affect their psychological state and concerns. For example, for some people, religious faith can be a source of strength and hope, while others may experience doubts and loss of faith due to their experiences. Objective. The aim of the article is to determine the influence of religious and cultural aspects on the program of comprehensive medical and psychological assistance for refugees. Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the implementation of a comprehensive approach to providing medical and psychological assistance that takes into account not only physical and psychological needs but also cultural and religious aspects. Considering the religious beliefs and cultural customs of refugees in the assistance program is a new approach that enhances mutual understanding between the patient and the specialist, increasing openness and trust. This is especially important in the context of the psychological stress experienced by refugees. Materials and methods. The study involved men and women aged 18 to 60 (n=110) residing in cities with a population of more than 50,000 people in Ukraine before the start of the full-scale invasion. After providing medical and psychological assistance to refugees, 99 individuals completed the survey. Results. Providing early social support can help reduce anxiety and assist refugees in gaining a sense of control and independence. Supporting refugees in reconnecting with familiar cultural and religious aspects helps them preserve their cultural integrity while simultaneously building a new identity within the host community. Before receiving medical and psychological assistance, refugees affected by war had higher rates of moderate (36.4%), mild (20.9%), and severe (14.5%) depression, which decreased after receiving assistance. Conclusions. Integrating religious and cultural aspects into the program of comprehensive medical and psychological assistance for refugees helps reduce the level of depression in those affected.
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