evaluation, control, training, competence, higher education institution (HEI)Abstract
The article considers actual problems for searching and implementation an effective system for evaluation and control of specialists’ professional training in the higher education institution educational process. It analyses criteria (motivational, activity, emotional and evaluative, reflective), indicators, and formation levels of student competencies, which reflect the content and control functions. It expresses the position of representatives of activity, competence, personality-oriented approaches and identifies that all forms and types of control and evaluation for maturity competencies of a future specialist should have personal nature. The author suggests a set of psychodiagnostic techniques by which it is possible to record qualitative and quantitative indicators of changes in the student’s personality while studying in higher education institution. The purpose of the article is to report on results of empirical research defining psychology and pedagogical conditions on which system for evaluation and control of competent specialist professional training is effectively implemented in the higher education institution. Conclusions. It empirically proves that a systematic and meaningful approach to the organization of the higher education institution educational process should provide a combination of methodological, theoretical, and technological aspects. It shows a holistic and quality educational model with not only educational value but suggests new insight into the program student training. Moreover, it promotes the personal growth of future specialists, demonstrates a sophisticated technological procedure that guarantees the achievement of the predicted result, namely the training of a highly efficient competent specialist. The personality-oriented approach, which is the basis of the model, firstly involves the identification of parity in the subject-subject relations between the participants of the educational process.
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