modern family, social ideas, family values, worldview, worldview types, religious worldview, materialist worldview, role ideas, distribution of family roles, role expectations and demands in marriageAbstract
The article considers the problem that is important to family psychology – ideas about roles existing in modern marriage. The article aim is to present the study on the influence of worldview types on role ideas, family values, role expectations and demands characteristic for marriages with religious and materialistic types of worldview. The article analyses psychological factors that determine spouses’ satisfaction with their marital relations. The modern approaches to the concepts of “family” and “marriage” in the national and foreign literature are compared. Modern scientific ideas about spouses’ role expectations and demands are analysed, personal factors associated with various types of worldview are revealed. The article present data obtained from the study on relations between spouses’ role expectations and demands depending on types of their worldviews. The used psychological examining tools allowed studying the role expectations and demands, satisfaction with the marriage of partners. The most important family values in the families with a materialistic worldview were: “Health” and “Interesting work”, “Self-development”, “Wealthy life”. The most important values for religious couples were “Health”, “Love”, “Happy Family Life”; and “Development”, “Interesting work” were at the second place. The most important family roles for men were: parenting, social activity, external attractiveness; the most significant roles for women were: external attractiveness, emotional and psychological support, social activity. The relations between worldview types and the coherence of family values, family roles, role expectations and demands of the spouses were revealed. In the context of the presented materials, the authors have proposed the empirical generalization of the study results that reveals psychological predictors of partner relations existing in modern Ukrainian families. The ideas about the family and family relationships are usually inherent from previous family generations so that the stereotypes on a “traditional” family are often applied. However, modern families also seek the variability in building a family role structure. The study opens up prospects for studying the satisfaction of various factors influencing the relationship between spouses and other family members, as well as for systematizing the practical recommendations for psychologists to improve their work with married couples concerning their ideas about family roles.
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