



emotion, emotional development, emotional development of a child.


The article defines the concept of emotional development of the child as his ability to feel, manage and express their emotions and feelings and on this basis to build relationships effectively and actively explore their environment. It is proved that the emotional development of the child leads to the formation of necessary skills such as: self-awareness, emotional regulation, responsible decision-making, building relationships that will clearly affect the child’s success in various social environments. Organizational and methodological aspects of a child’s emotional development are identified such as: adjustment to children’s feelings and emotions (this will allow them to respond more effectively to children’s needs and offer more specific recommendations that help them cope with their emotions); creating an atmosphere to help children recognize and understand emotions (talking to children and teaching them emotions helps them better understand their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others); setting limits on inappropriate expression of emotions (children should know that it is normal to experience strong emotions, and it is normal to have a number of emotions and feelings. It is also important to set limits on aggressive, dangerous behavior); the adult should be a role model (showing children how he (the adult) understands emotions and copes with them, he helps them learn from his example). It is also useful to use exercises to relieve emotional stress (breathing techniques, physical techniques, activities to release emotional tension) and games with emotions (MEMO game, game «World inside out», emotional cube, metaphorical cards with emotions «Cactus» Yu. Svyatenko). Conclusions. Certain organizational and methodological aspects of a child’s emotional development in psychological practice include learning what emotions and feelings are, understanding how and why they arise, recognizing their own emotional and sensory experiences and feelings of others, and mastering effective ways to manage various emotional states.


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How to Cite

ТАФІНЦЕВА, С. (2022). EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN PSYCHOLOGICAL PRACTICE: ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (2(55), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2022.2.6