mental health, mass mental phenomena, perception, I-concept, self-management, СМС, entrepreneurial competence, joint entrepreneurial creativityAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of a problem relevant for modern theoretical and practical psychology - provision of mental health in the context of local social formations. The differences of individual approaches to the conceptual interpretation of the term "mental health" in Ukrainian and foreign theory and practice are shown. The purpose of the article: to highlight the possibilities of entrepreneurial creativity as an important factor in ensuring mental health and social integration for social interaction and socially oriented learning in the process of professional training of students - future economists. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the content and factors of mental health in the context of its significance for the socio-economic development of local communities. The importance of mental health and psychological well-being for social integration and cohesion of local communities is emphasized. The importance of labor activity and creativity as factors of mental health at the individual level is indicated. The inverse influence of economic (entrepreneurial) productivity on the provision of mental health is substantiated. The results of the study on the methods of developing social cohesion in the process of professional training of future economists by means of entrepreneurial creativity are presented. Some differences in the interaction of students as members of communities in social networks are revealed, taking into account the theory of social penetration. For the first time, the author's position is presented regarding the possibilities and methods of developing joint entrepreneurial creativity in the professional training of students-future economists when studying the disciplines of the psychological-pedagogical cycle. Conclusion. On the basis of empirical research, it was concluded that in the process of professional training of students - future economists, it is advisable to familiarize them with various means and contents of mental health care. For this, in the process of studying the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle (for example, psychology and pedagogy for economists), students get acquainted with the concepts of mental health, psychological well-being, subjective well-being, analyze the factors and determinants of these phenomena, tools of entrepreneurial creativity for provision and restoration of mental health. The use of didactic tasks of a project nature in microgroups for the integration of interrelationships of professional and socio-psychological competences of future economists, which are essential for ensuring mental health, is substantiated.
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