



mental tension, war, stress, Ukrainians


The article analyzes the results of the study on the relationship between the level of mental tension and the circumstances in which the Ukrainians found themselves due to the war as well as the state of their health. The purpose of the study is to find the relationship between mental tension and the circumstances in which Ukrainians found themselves due to the war, as well as the state of their health. Findings. In particular, a direct statistically significant relationship was found between the level of mental tension and the circumstances in which Ukrainians found themselves because of the war, namely: going abroad; the presence of close ones who are in the city where active hostilities are taking place; the presence of close ones who are active duty in the military; the perception of the personality of events as a traumatic experience; a feeling of fear due to the war. Among the results of the study, there is an indirect statistically significant relationship between the level of mental tension and belief in the victory of Ukraine presented. Belief in victory, on the one hand, acts as a defence mechanism that minimizes mental stress, and on the other hand, it becomes a certain psychotherapeutic stimulus that provides not only accurate support but also allows you to design the most favorable scenarios for the development of the events. Belief in victory is a constructive strategy of coping behavior that ensures the development of positive psychological attitudes that optimize the internal psychological state. The article also demonstrates the relationship between the level of mental tension and the state of health of Ukrainians due to the war. In particular, a direct statistically significant relationship between the level of mental tension and the frequency of headaches, the number of dizziness, digestive disorders and problems with appetite, as well as hair loss, memory problems, fatigue, sleep problems, and irritability. An important mechanism for reducing the mental stress of Ukrainians is the provision of psychological assistance, which can help the individual change their attitude towards war-related trauma, and in particular, contribute to post-traumatic growth. An important condition for such a rethinking is the search for new ways of interacting with others, the restoration of the ability to search for new meanings and value reorientations, and a new reflective and responsible life creation.


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How to Cite

ПРЕДКО, В., & ПРЕДКО, Д. (2022). FEATURES OF THE MENTAL STATE OF UKRAINIANS DURING THE WAR. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3(56), 78-84. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2022.3.11