family, psychological help, family relations of parents, family system, parental subsystemAbstract
In Ukraine, the end of the 20th century was marked by the increased interest of specialists of various profiles (sociologists, demographers, economists, psychologists, teachers, etc.) in the problems of the modern family. Traditionally, the family is perceived as a natural environment that ensures harmonious development and social adaptation of the child. The attention of scientists is explained not only by professional problems, but also indicates the presence of significant difficulties in the development of this social institution. Over the past twenty years, radical changes have taken place in Ukrainian society and in Europe in general, affecting all social systems, including the family. The article examines the socio-psychological role of the family system as the smallest social component of society, the main goal and task of which is the upbringing and development of children, parent-child relationships and parenting styles. The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation and research of psychological features of the social role of family relations. The methodological basis of the work is the activity approach of the family system, the ideas of humanistic psychology, as well as the principles of systematicity, integrity, development, determinism, unity of the external and internal; provisions on conceptual models of parenthood. Conclusions. Traditional approaches to assessing the social role of the family existed in our country for a long time. However, current military operations and corresponding changes in society require a new approach to the problems of the family, raising children, and preparing them for future life. The family began to be seen more and more often as a social system. This approach makes it possible to focus attention on issues that have not been sufficiently studied.
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