


social intelligence, ability, female respondent, male respondent, higher education applicant.


The purpose of the article: to reveal the results of an empirical study of the gender features of social intelligence of higher education applicants with special educational needs (105 male and 119 female). Methodology: analysis, a social intelligence studying test of J. Guilford and M. O’Sullivan, criterion φ* of the angular transformation of R. Fisher. Conclusions. Social intelligence is a difficult complex of abilities that allow personality to succeed in interactions with other people. Concerning the overall indicator of social intelligence, compared to the male under study, the statistically significant excess of the number of female respondents with lower than the average and statistically significant lowness is determined by the average level. Low levels were found in a large number of male respondents; higher than the average level are a sufficient small number of female respondents. With regard to the ability to properly understand the social interactions of other people, compared to the male respondents, a statistically significant excess of the number of female respondents with average and statistically significant lowness is determined by the higher than the average level. Low levels are observed in the male respondents. With regard to the ability to properly understand the manifestations of non-verbal behavioral expression of other people, compared to the male respondents, a statistically significant excess of the number of women respondents with low and statistically significant lowness is determined – with a lower than the average level. The average level is observed in the female respondents. The higher than the average level in the respondents is absent. With regard to the ability to properly understand the manifestations of verbal behavioral expression of other people, compared to the male respondents, a statistically significant excess of the number of women respondents with an average level is established. Low levels have male respondents. Regarding the ability to properly predict the behavior of other people compared to the male respondents, the statistically significant excess of the number of women respondents with an average level is determined. A sufficiently small number of female respondent are higher than the average level. There is no low level. There is no high level of social intelligence.


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How to Cite

СТАРИНСЬКА, О. (2023). GENDER FEATURES OF SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE OF HIGHER EDUCATION APPLICANTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (2(58), 44-50.