volunteering, volunteer activity, psychological characteristics of the volunteer’s personality, motivation of volunteers, social and psychological readinessAbstract
The research is devoted to highlighting the problem of social and psychological readiness of youth for volunteer activities. The paper provides an analysis of scientific views on the definition of the concept of «volunteer activities» and considers the historical aspect of the emergence and development of volunteering. The essence and features of volunteer activities are determined, and its motivational component is analyzed. The results of theoretical and empirical studies of psychological features of motivation formation for volunteer activities in youth are reviewed. Intrinsic and extrinsic motives that encourage youth to participate in volunteering are singled out. The differences between internally and externally motivated volunteers are analyzed. It was found that intrinsic motivation contributes to greater satisfaction from volunteer activities and a lower probability of emotional burnout. Attention is paid to the problem of emotional burnout of volunteers, factors causing it and possible ways of prevention are analyzed. Measures are proposed for burnout prevention, in particular creating a favorable psychological climate in the organization, providing support to volunteers, encouraging their self-realization. The psychological characteristics of a volunteer’s personality and the structure of his/her motivational sphere are investigated. It is revealed that such qualities as empathy, sociability, responsibility, organization are important for successful volunteer activities. The main components of social and psychological readiness of youth for volunteer activities are identified: motivational, cognitive, operational, personal. Ways of forming youth’s readiness for volunteering are proposed, in particular the introduction of special training programs aimed at developing the necessary qualities and skills. The expediency of career guidance work to attract young people to volunteering is substantiated.
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