ADHD, adjustment, adjustment disorder, maladjustment, PTSD, trauma, stressAbstract
The article addresses a topical issue in psychology – adjustment peculiarities in adults with ADHD. The aim of the article is to show the results of an empirical research of the influence of social and psychological factors on the increase of adjustment potential in adults with ADHD. The article is devoted to the analysis of social and psychological factors determining psycho-emotional state of adults with ADHD. Modern approaches to the notions of stress and adjustment in the national and world literature are revealed. An analysis of modern scientific views on the impact stress has on adjustment processes, development of adjustment disorder and PTSD is presented. The results of researching the interrelation between stress, traumatic events and adjustment disorder are shown. Psychodiagnostic tools enabling the study of the adjustment phenomenon in adults with ADHD are substantiated. It is discovered that it is of utmost importance for adults with ADHD to be accepted and supported by the society, as presented in a support group of adults with ADHD. It is discovered that the most important thing for adults with ADHD is tolerance and the absence of stigma: in a family, group, society. The article reveals how the feeling of isolation and the absence of support are connected with ADHD severity and comorbid disorders. In the context of the presented materials, the authors set out an empirical generalization of the results of researching psychological factors that influence adjustment peculiarities in adults with ADHD. The role of a traumatic experience in the formation and severity of ADHD and comorbid psychiatric disorders is mentioned. It is accentuated that adults with ADHD seek to master different methods of emotional self-regulation and strategies for combating ADHD symptoms as well as reaching efficiency in work and study. Practical recommendations for psychologists on how to work effectively with adults with ADHD both in a group and individually are proposed. The research reveals the prospects of studying issues related to the daily functioning of adults with ADHD and adjustment disorder.
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