


online training, problems of online training, higher education institution, students, future psychologists


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of online training of future psychologists, which arose during the forced transition of higher education institutions to online training during the COVID-19 epidemic and developed during full-scale military operations. Purpose: to identify the problems of online learning in the training of future psychologists, to consider and summarize ways to overcome them. Methodology: to study the problem of online training, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of modern scientific literature, observation and questionnaire. Scientific novelty: the article for the first time identifies, summarizes and analyzes the specifics of psychological problems in the organization of online training of future psychologists. It is noted that the main feature of the training of future psychologists is the impossibility of considering methodological problems of training in isolation from the problems of providing psychological assistance. A survey conducted by the authors among psychology students of the first, bachelor's level of study showed that among the most important problems for them, students noted: complication of communication with teachers and classmates; time management problems; increased amount of independent work; problems with technology; decreased motivation to learn, difficult psychological state. The analysis of teaching activities revealed problems with: increased anxiety, attention span, the need to combine the functions of a teacher and a human operator, the peculiarities of planning and conducting online classes, high levels of emotional stress and increased emotionality of communication participants, readiness to provide psychological assistance, “digital tolerance” and taking into account the specifics of teaching in conditions of a wide geographical dispersion of applicants. It has demonstrated that the emergence of a significant number of psychological problems is closely related to the technical aspects of the organization of the educational process, the level of its material and software support, and the specific psychological conditions of its implementation. The article presents empirically developed methods of overcoming these problems for both students and teachers during online classes for the training of future psychologists. Conclusions. The results of the theoretical analysis and practical research have shown that the successful or unsuccessful transition to online training of future psychologists is associated with the technical aspects of the educational process organization, the level of its material support and the specific psychological conditions of its implementation.


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How to Cite

Цибух, Л., Гусєв, А., & Бадюл, Л. (2024). PROBLEMS OF ONLINE TRAINING OF FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS AND WAYS TO SUBMIT THEM. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1(62), 25-30.