

The imperfection of the public administration system, which causes the decline of Ukraine, is generated by the weak targeting of local authorities at local, regional and, especially, national levels to improve the quality of life of citizens of villages, towns and cities. The process of improving the state-management mechanism must begin with the implementation of a systematic approach to management, bearing in mind that the whole society consists of a large number of interacting organizations, including the authorities at different levels. In order for all organizations to interact with each other, they must obey the only intersecting idea (ideology), and the authorities also have a single cross-purpose (bottom-up) goal — to improve the quality of life of citizens in the communities. Today, almost all government structures, including the authorities, “work” for declared goals and clearly defined end-points. This leads to the ineffectiveness of each of the organizations and the underutilization of their labor potential. Each organization is a social system in which people interact with their abilities, professional qualities, traits of character, morality, and health. For a radical change in the situation, a unique social technology is proposed for identifying specific outcomes of all government bodies that are related to measuring the quality of life of citizens, and the annual control of these results on the side of communities of villages, towns, cities. This will allow the formation of a culture of target management (KCU) in government bodies and other state structures with a feedback on the result, which will replace the dominant culture of administrative pressure today (CAT). It is the KAT itself that is the product of “manual” unsystematic management, which often suppresses the identity of employees, but allows the management elite to be formed not by merit. This makes this elite more pseudo-elite. In this context, the target management culture behind the end results with its feedback mechanism becomes a powerful tool for not only improving the management elite, but also successfully combating invincible corruption.


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