tourism, resort business, recreation, tourist, personnel management, demand, supply, costs, profit, human resources, serviceAbstract
The article substantiates the general and special microeconomic features of recreational and resort complexes. The exceptional need to improve personnel management measures in recreational complexes and resorts has been proved. The opinion is highlighted that the tourism industry is one of the promising areas of effective development of the national economy. Modern tourism has many varieties. Recreation and resort business form complexes of tourist sphere. Their activities include providing a number of services to their clients. Each enterprise in the field of recreation and resort business has its own characteristics. These features depend on natural conditions, climate, historical and cultural values, health resources and means of relaxation. It is noted that tourism enterprises seek to achieve key indicators of microeconomic stability. The priority is to achieve a balance between the supply of recreational and resort services and the demand of tourists and other customers for resort and recreational services. It is confirmed that the next task is to minimize the average and marginal costs of recreational and resort customer service in the short and long market periods. It was found that the third priority of recreational and resort businesses is to increase the volume and improve the quality of recreational and resort services. It is argued that increasing the financial benefits is also one of the key goals of tourism enterprises. Graphs of microeconomic stability are graphically depicted. The basic laws of economic theory are applied. It is proved that the improvement of methods, measures and methods of personnel management allows increasing the efficiency of staff work. The human resources of an economic entity are its dominant factor of production. A number of measures and ways to improve the personnel management of the subjects of the recreational sphere and the resort sphere are proposed. High productivity of employees has a positive effect on the financial performance of recreational complexes and resorts. It is noted that the methods and tools of personnel management should be constantly updated.
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