lean production, tools of lean production, costs, resources, personnel, personnel training, management, management systemAbstract
The work systematizes approaches to understanding the essence of lean production and takes into account the specifics of implementing this concept specifically for Ukrainian enterprises. The toolkit of lean production, which can be implemented in Ukrainian enterprises, has been systematized. For each type of tool, it is indicated which tasks it can solve for Ukrainian enterprises and what is the peculiarity of its application for domestic economic entities. Most of the companies that are already implementing or have implemented a lean production system have carried out preliminary measures to prepare personnel for the implementation of these latest tools, and for Ukrainian enterprises, this preparatory stage is just as necessary because there is an urgent need to understand that enterprises will be able not only to implement the tools of lean production but also to implement qualitative transformations in the management system of the enterprise. It has been proven that the problem at Ukrainian enterprises is mostly outdated equipment and significant dependence of production processes on personnel, as a result, for the effective implementation of lean production approaches, it is necessary to train personnel and improve their qualifications. Outdated equipment should be updated and new resource-saving technologies introduced, but this is a longer and more expensive way than training staff. A diagram of the relationship between the possibilities of lean production implementation and staff training for obtaining quality transformations at domestic enterprises has been developed, which indicates the importance of staff training to achieve positive results from the implementation of the concept of lean production. This scheme allows you to clearly follow the sequence of stages of staff training to ensure readiness for the implementation of the lean production system and to prepare staff for quality transformations in enterprise management. It has been proven that the staff is the main link of transformations at the enterprise and ensuring its better management and timely implementation of measures to save resources.
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