strategic approach, financial risk management, international economic integration, corporate culture, communication and openness, globalization, digital transformationAbstract
The article discusses a strategic approach to financial risk management in the context of international economic integration. The main emphasis is placed on the importance of corporate culture, communication and openness in the process of identifying, assessing and responding to potential risks. The authors analyze the role of strategic planning, interaction between interested parties and constant monitoring in creating resilient organizations capable of adapting to changing market conditions. Provides practical guidance on effective risk management and emphasizes the importance of learning and development in today's business environment. The influence of globalization and international integration on the financial risks faced by modern enterprises is considered. Given the growth of international competition, market volatility and geopolitical instability, the need for a strategic approach to risk management is becoming increasingly urgent. Attention is focused on the need to integrate risk management into the overall corporate strategy, which allows enterprises not only to minimize potential threats, but also to use risks as strategic opportunities. Issues of interaction between different departments of the organization, the need for cross-functional communication, and the role of top management in the formation of a risk management culture are also highlighted. Examples of successful approaches to risk management in leading global companies are provided, as well as recommendations for enterprises seeking to improve their financial risk management mechanisms in the context of international economic integration. In the context of a globalized world, where economic borders are becoming less pronounced, enterprises face new challenges and opportunities. This forces businesses to review their traditional risk management methods and look for new approaches. One of the key trends is the integration of technology into the risk management process. Digital transformation, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning allow enterprises to analyze large volumes of data, predict potential risks and develop strategies to avoid or minimize them.
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