territorial marketing, territory management strategies, image, formation of the image of territories, development of local communitiesAbstract
The primary aim of this study is to conduct an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the concept of territorial marketing, focusing on how local self-government bodies approach the formulation and implementation of development policies for their respective territorial communities. Тhe study delves into the application of modern marketing tools and technologies, examining how these resources are leveraged to promote and enhance the regions they govern. The investigation begins by exploring the fundamental principles of territorial marketing, including its origins, evolution, and the various methodologies employed by local authorities. This exploration seeks to uncover the unique characteristics and challenges that are inherent in the process of promoting a region’s strengths and potential. These challenges may include limited resources, competition with other regions, and the need for a cohesive strategy that aligns with both local and national objectives. One of the critical objectives of this study is to develop an original and comprehensive definition of marketing as it applies specifically to local development policy. This definition is intended to capture the multifaceted role that marketing plays in the context of territorial management. It will highlight how marketing strategies can be employed not just as a means of promotion, but as a fundamental component of strategic planning and decision-making. Тhe research aims to assist local governments in maximizing the potential of their regions, ultimately leading to more vibrant, prosperous, and sustainable communities. By effectively utilizing marketing strategies, local authorities can attract investments, encourage tourism, and foster a positive environment for business development. Furthermore, the research aims to provide practical recommendations for policymakers and local leaders. These recommendations will be based on the insights gained from the analysis and will focus on how to effectively integrate marketing into the broader framework of territorial development. The goal is to enhance the competitiveness and appeal of regions, ensuring they are well-positioned to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and competitive global environment.
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