
  • Yury Melnyk Odesa National University of Technology
  • Daria Shalaginova Odesa National University of Technology



digital technologies, personnel management, transformation, efficiency, innovation, recruiting


The transition of the national economy to a digital platform leads to significant changes in all general functions of enterprise management, in particular, in the field of personnel management. Research shows that there is a large gap between enterprises that confidently use new resources and technologies to improve their HR processes and actively implement the latest information technologies, and those who wait. The digital transformation of HR management is an important process for modern organizations, which includes the implementation of technologies to improve the effectiveness of HR management. This study analyzes current trends in the introduction of digital technologies in the field of personnel management, emphasizes the relevance of digital transformation in this area, since the use of modern technologies allows making more informed and objective management decisions. It has been proven that the evolution of digital personnel management has come a long way from paper systems to modern cloud solutions using analytics and artificial intelligence. Four main trends in the development of personnel management have been allocated, namely, the use of artificial intelligence, cloud storage and services, chatbots, virtual and augmented reality technologies. The main functions of personnel management are described and the main ways in the implementation of digital transformation are identified. It is noted that the digitalization of personnel management systems does not eliminate the need for personnel departments, but requires clear rules for human interaction with digital technologies and continuous professional development in this area. An important problem has been identified – the definition of new labor standards, including the use of digital technologies in the personnel management system, the separation of functions and responsibilities. Prospects for further research consist in demonstrating potential scenarios and directions of personnel management development strategy in the context of globalization and digitalization using the methodological framework proposed in this study.


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