


competitiveness, competitive advantages, agribusiness, management system, marketing research, agricultural products, agricultural enterprises, organizational environment, management decisions


The article examines the main indicators of competitiveness and environmental factors, considers the methods of analysis and assessment of the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises, and substantiates marketing management decisions aimed at increasing the level of competitiveness for the adaptation of agrarian enterprises to modern conditions of agribusiness. It was established that it is critically important for agricultural enterprises to identify and respond to changes in the competitive environment in a timely manner in order to optimize their strategies and minimize potential risks. The complexity of the marketing environment is due to the variety of influential factors that can be under the control of an agricultural enterprise, and go beyond it. Accordingly, a comprehensive understanding and analysis of these aspects is critical for effective assessment of the marketing environment itself. The assessment of the competitiveness of an agricultural enterprise should take place by comparing its conditions, resources and productivity with similar indicators of enterprises in the industry. For in-depth analysis and research of the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out its comprehensive diagnostics using appropriate methods. It is extremely important to adapt the agricultural enterprise to market changes, which may include the following directions: organizational structuring, which promotes flexibility of management; strengthening of communication influence; expanding the range of products; modeling of employee behavior for effective response to new conditions; implementation of innovations in all aspects of activity; and optimization of management processes to improve overall efficiency. We can state that conditions of uncertainty and a high level of risks in the agricultural sector require agro-enterprises to conduct constant monitoring of the environment, quality marketing research and system management to ensure their stability and efficiency of work. While adaptation of production processes to changing conditions and prompt response to changes in the market can provide an agricultural enterprise with significant competitive advantages, and the introduction of the latest technologies and innovations can contribute to strengthening its position in the market and reducing the impact of market instability.


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