Crypto currency, crypto cash, virtual assets, cryptocurrency exchange, ship examination, blockchain, mining, bitcoin.Abstract
This article considers a fundamentally new type of forensic objects – virtual assets. It is noted that currently in Ukraine there is no legislation governing the circulation of virtual assets. The concept of the term «cryptocurrency» is defined by the state bodies of Ukraine, the issues of the essence of cryptocurrency, the order of its circulation are investigated, the assessment of the current state of cryptocurrency in various aspects is given. An algorithm for identifying cryptocurrency and its owner during forensic examination of virtual assets is proposed. Methodological issues of cryptocurrency valuation are considered. It is noted that in the decentralized economy of digital assets, the loan interest rate is absent or works completely differently. The absence of refinancing rates and derived key rates in digital finance, as well as other regulatory instruments, is due to the lack of centralized monetary policy institutions for cryptocurrency. It has been found that the application of traditional valuation and financial analysis methods to digital assets is completely incapable, as all models used for this type are based on borrowed interest and the value of money over time, as interest rates in the centralized financial system are ultimately set by monetary authorities. issuing currencies. It is offered to determine the value of cryptocurrency during the forensic examination of virtual assets at the exchange rate with appropriate adjustments.
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