mediation, entropy, rationalist myths, ontology, quantum philosophy, customary lawAbstract
In the modern era of globalization, quantum philosophy is gaining relevance, which stimulates the search for truth as the basis of law in the world of life. The connection between the rationalist myths considered by quantum philosophy in the unwritten rules of customary law with the expedient action of law in the ontological, epistemological and axiological structure of legal reality is investigated. The ontological structure of customary law is determined in view of the rationalist myths of quantum philosophy as a motivational moment of truth in the archetypal-mental modernization. It is proved that each person should direct their own sensory-mental preferences according to existential dimensions, based on entropy, ie chaotically constructed individual facts, events, episodes of their own experience in a clear and transparent integrity that predicts the future. The aim of the article is to carry out a theoretical and cognitive analysis of quantum philosophy on the expediency of rationalist myths in the unwritten rules of customary law, as a modernization of the idea in its archetypal-mental content. Scientific novelty. The article is devoted to the issues of quantum philosophy in postmodernity. The novelty lies in a qualitatively new semantic attitude to the person, state and society, formed on the basis of social needs, opportunities, as well as due to the imperative of modernization of fear (including metaphysical), opening new meaningful horizons of existence. In conclusion, the rationalist myths of quantum philosophy reflect superhuman realities, which are a manifestation of the physical and social world. Under these conditions, quantum philosophy, entropically expressed as a physical dimension, provides for the transformation of ontological and legal dogmas into reality in the rationalist actions of myth-making.
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