Security Service of Ukraine, pre-trial investigation, investigative units, investigator, reform of the Security Service of Ukraine, national security of Ukraine.Abstract
The activities of the Security Service of Ukraine are based on the constitutional principles of the rule of law and respect for human dignity, legality, impartiality, equality before the law, respect, observance and protection of human rights, freedoms and interests. The Security Service of Ukraine is the main body for ensuring the state security of Ukraine. The pre-trial investigation is an important function of the Security Service of Ukraine, which ensures the effective investigation of criminal proceedings. The recent reform of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine also concerns pre-trial investigation bodies and requires a solution to the issue of ways to further develop them. In Ukraine, there are a large number of law enforcement agencies whose functions include pre-trial investigation, including newly created ones. However, to date, the state has not developed a single concept for the activities and development of pre-trial investigation bodies, which negatively affects the efficiency of the latter. The pre-trial investigation bodies of the Security Service of Ukraine are no exception. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies of the Security Service of Ukraine, as well as to consider proposals for improving the activities in the context of the reform of the Security Service of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The article identifies problematic aspects of the functioning of pre-trial investigation units of the Security Service of Ukraine, the legal status of investigators and formulates practical proposals on the place and role of investigators in the Security Service of Ukraine and prospects for reform. The conclusions of the article emphasize that the legal status of the investigator of the Security Service of Ukraine has its own characteristics and is divided into several components: the investigator, as an official of the Security Service of Ukraine; the investigator, as a procedural person, with the powers provided by the CPC of Ukraine; investigator, as a serviceman with the division of responsibilities in accordance with the disciplinary statutes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The pre-trial investigation conducted by the investigative units of the Security Service of Ukraine is characterized by a narrow focus, specificity, which has only special investigative services, so we consider it impractical, in the future, during the reform, it can also have negative consequences in the work to ensure Ukraine's national security.
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