


anti-radar system, defense of Ukraine, cyberspace, fractal, triangulation, entropy, cyber security


In the conditions of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, scientific research and consideration of general patterns and characteristic features of the anti-radar system in the defense of Ukraine is of great importance. In the most recent period of state formation in Ukraine, the legal foundations of the defense system and the necessary conditions for further administrative and legal support of the defense function of the state were laid. A state defense system was created, which included state authorities in the field of defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, a security system, elements of the defense-industrial complex, and a system of military legislation that regulated their activities. The modern anti-radar system of our country in its pre-war period was characterized by insufficient quality level in the defense of Ukraine, which led to a real threat of missile and air strikes by the Russian aggressor. Therefore, it is the quantum principle of superposition and uncertainty regarding the cyber capital support of the anti-radar system in the defense of Ukraine that is an extremely urgent problem. Cosmic fractality as a cyber capital provision in international law is studied. In particular, the development of outer space necessitates a comprehensive solution to complex legal, technical, technological, economic, and organizational issues. One of these is the topical issue of cyber security as a fractal space object in international law that protects the individual, the state and society from any threats at the interdisciplinary level. It is as a result of the achievements of synergy as an imbalance and non-linearity of the development of modern society that fractality is an irregular similarity of small parts in the qualitative structure of cosmic nature (atoms, molecules, cells). In this sense, the nature of the human personality, its legal identity, in particular, the resonating human «cell» with the universe, is also fractal. Such a fractal object can be represented in space law by looking at the value matrix as an identity that constitutes permanent aerospace monitoring, mainly in special units of power structures. Therefore, the formation and development of the security and defense sector, which should ensure an adequate and flexible response to cyber threats, rationally using opportunities and resources, is one of the priorities of the national security policy.


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How to Cite

ЛІСОВСЬКА, Ю., & ЛІСОВСЬКИЙ, П. (2024). CYBER CAPITAL PROVISION OF THE ANTI-RADAR SYSTEM IN THE DEFENSE OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (3(71), 37-45.