


OSCE, internally displaced persons (IDPs), international standards, human rights protection, monitoring, conflict, international standards, national courts, implementation of decisions, protection of vulnerable groups, international mechanisms, legal harmonization, judicial system reform, high-quality and accessible public services, consumer rights, protection mechanisms, dispute resolution, risk management, national security


The article provides a detailed analysis of the role of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in implementing international standards for the protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs), who represent one of the most vulnerable population groups during armed conflicts and crises. It is noted that the OSCE, as the largest regional organization, has a broad mandate in matters of security and human rights protection. Its activities focus on ensuring stability, preventing conflicts, monitoring human rights violations, and supporting peacebuilding processes. International cooperation, particularly with organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), plays a crucial role in protecting IDPs by coordinating actions and avoiding duplication of efforts. Special attention is given to the evaluation of the effectiveness of OSCE's special monitoring missions, which serve as vital mechanisms for ensuring security and human rights protection. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine, which operated from 2014 to 2022, is presented as a case study. This mission conducted impartial observations of the conflict zone and documented human rights violations, providing timely information to international partners and stakeholders for decision-making. Furthermore, the SMM facilitated dialogue between conflict parties, helping to prevent the escalation of violence. The study reveals that, despite OSCE’s significant potential in protecting IDPs, there are certain challenges. One of the key issues is the insufficient integration of local organizations and civil society into processes aimed at protecting IDPs. This creates gaps in collaboration and reduces the effectiveness of rehabilitation and integration measures for IDPs in new communities. Another major obstacle is the restricted access of OSCE missions to certain regions due to security constraints or a lack of legal instruments, complicating their operations. The article proposes several ways to improve OSCE's activities. First, strengthening cooperation with local authorities and civil society organizations, which have direct access to the affected population, is suggested. This will enable the provision of prompt assistance to IDPs and create conditions for their integration into society. Additionally, expanding the legal powers of OSCE missions is recommended to allow for more effective responses to IDP rights violations, as well as introducing special mechanisms for monitoring and protecting IDP rights at all stages of the conflict. Thus, OSCE's activities in the field of IDP protection are crucial for stabilizing post-conflict regions, but they require further improvement and closer cooperation with local and international partners to ensure maximum effectiveness.


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How to Cite

ОРЛЕНКО, В. (2024). THE ROLE OF THE OSCE IN IMPLEMENTING INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE PROTECTION OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(72), 21-27.