


interdisciplinarity, dimension, equivalence, terminology, contextuality, skills


Recently, the pragmatic aspect of translation has attracted more and more attention of scholars investigating translations. It is important to use information about the next components of pragmatic translation: transfer of pragmatic idioms, various types of direct and indirect speech acts. Nowadays, attention is focused on the pragmatic adaptation of the speech act when translating from the native language to a foreign one and vice versa, on the differences in the level of politeness of speech and the requirements of political correctness, which belong to a social prohibition on the use and prescriptions regarding the politically correct use of certain words. The aim of the article is to investigate and analyze the components of a pragmatic translation and to determine methods of pragmatic translation and factors that affect the correctness of a translation or interpretation. To a large extent, the success and adequacy of translation depends on proper knowledge of foreign and native languages and on mastery of translation skills. The construction of sentences (in German or English), lexical content and the skills of using them in speech taking into account stylistic and contextual conditions are important aspects of a translato’s linguistic and communicative competence. Many lexical problems of translation from a foreign language into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into a foreign language have been clarified in both theoretical and practical directions. This problem is reflected in the works of E. Benes, R. Walter, R. Fritze, K. Bauman, and others. When translating, attention is paid to interdisciplinarity, as a combination of methods and different disciplines in order to obtain new effective results. It is worth focusing the scholars’ attention on the development of the model as a whole as well as on its individual aspects: the technological and practical side of professional translation, the issue of the correct use of terminology as well as the cultural dimension. The use of traditional schemes of definitions and multifaceted axioms cannot be ignored and attention must be paid to historical heritage and cultural prospects. The scientific novelty of the article is in the presentation of the interdisciplinarity, which makes it possible to take into account the methods and approaches of various disciplines, the knowledge of which significantly affects the correctness of the translation. The conclusions summarize the functional-pragmatic model of translation quality assessment, which is an important requirement for the equivalence of the original and the translation, which shows that the translation should have a function that is equivalent to the function of the source.


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How to Cite

БИЧОК, А., & БОДНАР, О. (2023). DETERMINING FACTORS OF AN ACCURATE TRANSLATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2), 5-10.