


necessity, semantic structure, verbal predicates, marking of information


The article substantiates the field that specificates the determining factor and prerequisites for the need to implement a certain action and contributes to the classification of the semantic nuances of necessity. The syntactic opinion about the formation and specificity of the study of constructions according to the sources of the origin of the determining factor is deepened. Formations in which moral norms and established traditions of behavior appear are multifaceted. There is a need to implement a certain action, which is made possible thanks to stereotypical ideas about the surrounding world, without a doubt, the component “collectivity” as a determining source of necessity formation is part of the semantics of the determining factor. The inevitability of the realization of a certain situation in such sentences is determined by the will of a whole group of people who share the same position. The source of the determining factor has an individual character. The determination of the need for the formation of such a sample is based on the individual ideas and subjective expectations of the subject of modal assessment. The author’s assessment of another person’s message as a subject of logical activity is reflected by the use of verbs of the semantic group. Marking the information expressed in the message as “other’s” is impossible without indicating its source, that is, under any conditions, it requires special formal means of expression. A determining factor of an objective nature is a necessary reason for the realization of a potential action, which is in the sphere independent of the will of the participants in the situation of necessity. The subjectivity of this factor of the situation of necessity is determined by the personal intentions of the subject of the manifestation of will and does not depend on objective reasons. In conclusion, we claim that the emergence of the determining factor occurs in two directions: taking into account the collectivity / individuality of its origin and the subjective / objective nature.


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How to Cite

БЕРНАЦЬКА, С. (2022). THE ORIGIN OF THE DETERMINATIVE FACTOR IN THE MODERN UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (5), 11-15.