


lexical and grammatical transformations, genre features, techniques, author's neologisms, grammatical techniques


The article considers artistic translation as one of the most difficult types of written translation. The main feature of the artistic style is a strict adherence to the norms of the national literary language of all forms of speech and admiration for the well-known traditions of some language tools. Therefore, any translation may contain certain changes compared to the original, but the accuracy of the translation depends on the number of such changes, so it should be minimized as much as possible. Research in the language-translation aspect of W.M. Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" reveals the genre-stylistic reproduction in the Ukrainian translation. Research in the language-translation aspect of W.M. Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" reveals the genre-stylistic reproduction in the Ukrainian translation. The composition of the novel is mainly built on the convergence and divergence of two storylines (Emilia and Becky), which provides it with a certain coherence and allows a large number of characters to be judiciously and systematically brought together. The constant presence of the author is justified by his intention. He deliberately weakens the drama of the events that happen to the characters, so that we consider, or rather perceive, Thackeray's idea about the futility and vanity of the efforts of these "heroes" – only puppets on strings, about the replacement of values and the loss of true knowledge about the truth and love. Nevertheless, a fixed external focalization sometimes gives way to an internal one, and the author manages to gain psychological insight into the souls of the characters, which increases the artistic value of the work and diversifies the style of the novel. The presence of a large number of polysemic lexical units in the English language, as well as the brevity of the presentation, which is possible due to the presence of a number of certain grammatical constructions and word forms, become the reason for the need to introduce additional lexical units. However, some differences in usage in some cases cause the omission of individual lexemes of an English sentence when translated into Ukrainian. These phenomena explain the wide use of various methods of interlanguage transfer of non-equivalent lexical units, as well as translation transformations. In the article, the translation of the Ukrainian stylistically marked units of the studied novel is carried out and the use of certain lexical-grammatical translation transformations is analyzed.


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How to Cite

ПОЛІЩУК, Л., & ПУШКАР, Т. (2022). GENRE-STYLISTIC RECREATIONS OF WILLIAM THACKERAY’S NOVEL "VANITY FAIR" IN THE UKRAINIAN TRANSLATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (5), 25-29.