



media terrorism, terrorism, Ukrainian TV, media, journalism, hybrid warfare, TV channels “Zik” and “Inter”


The author of the article aims to analyze the concept of media terrorism, highlight its features and potential communicative effects on the audience, as well as identify examples of media terrorism on Ukrainian TV. He analyzes the emergence of new types of terrorism, which actualize its information component and media inclusiveness. In particular, the author examines the modern approaches of Ukrainian scientists to interpret the concept of “media terrorism” and reveals their controversial elements. Based on the comparative analysis results, a new definition of media terrorism is suggested. It presents media terrorism not as a type of terrorism but as a unique media phenomenon that should be studied in the sciences of social communication and journalism. The author also outlines the potential communicative effects of media terrorism on the audience and describes its impact on society, government, and the state at the strategic level. The questions of proving the commitment of media terrorism acts and responsibility for such activities are raised, and the author invites experts to join this difficult scientific discussion. The relevance and urgency of studying media terrorism also occur due to Russian aggression against Ukraine. Unsettled legal and ethical issues of media terrorism make it an attractive method of hybrid warfare (an effective activity with impunity) for pro-Russian media in Ukraine. For example, the author mentions his case study on the media coverage of the hostage crisis in Lutsk on July 21, 2020, the results of which documented signs of media terrorism on the “Zik” news TV channel. In this article, the author analyzes the weekly news program announcements on the “Inter” TV channel as another example of media terrorism on Ukrainian TV. Evaluation of those materials proves the TV channel’s intention to create feelings of anxiety, helplessness, pessimism, fear, and even panic among viewers. It has a potentially destructive impact on Ukrainian society and can be used by the TV channel to achieve its political goals or satisfy private interests.


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How to Cite

МИСЛОВСЬКИЙ, І. (2022). ON THE ISSUES OF MEDIA TERRORISM DEFINITION AND ITS EXAMPLES ON UKRAINIAN TV. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (5), 48-54. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2022.3.9